So far I’ve written 12 longform tutorials & articles. For more compact content visit my Digital Garden.
In a world where power and authority often dictate who holds
Let’s talk about how we think about problems.
Developing a winning product strategy is essential for any business, regardless of size or industry.
Tools of 2023!
The new era of AI!
Presenting data like a pro.
Data is black and white and incredibly useful but it does not paint the entire picture. This is where intuition comes into play.
Understand the basics of Naive Bayes using python.
Fine-tuning BERT tutorial with PyTorch for emotion classification.
Aspire to expose your localhost to the Internet with minimal effort? Do you wish to avoid going through the tedious deployment process? Let me introduce you to Loophole.
Develop a machine learning model to identify when an article might be fake news.
Pandemic provides enough reminders that leaders cannot control the degree of change. Let's take control.